You Should Break these 4 Bad Fitness Habits! Now

With the new year, everyone makes plans to get fit and live a healthy lifestyle. They get excited to begin the new health and fitness goals. This excitement often turns extreme and bring us on the urge of killing ourselves at the gym. This is not at all safe because you can injure your body in this process. It is better to work out under a certified trainer and take proper measures because bad fitness habits can harm you physically or effect your body.


Bad Fitness Habits You Should Break are:
  • Fuel up

Training on an empty stomach helps you burn more calories but; fact is, if you’re going hard, you need energy stored to achieve maximum power and endurance. Keep your kitchen stocked with protein like salmon, cold cuts, beef, chicken or turkey! Or carbohydrates like green leafy vegetables, salads and some fruit, fats, nuts, seeds, avocado and olive oil. So, grab a quick bite 30 – 45 minutes before a workout and avoid running out of steam before your session’s through.

  • Skipping Your Stretches

Stretching is a kind of extending that is best put something aside for after your exercise, when your muscles are warmed up. To warm up the correct way, perform 5-10 minutes of cardio, at that point some type of dynamic extending. Your body gets an opportunity to warm up the muscles gradually and practically.

  • Avoid Strength Training

Many women avoid strength training for fear of getting “bulky”. This is just a myth, a myth! For anyone to get bulky, male or female, he or she would have to eat a tremendous number of calories. Plus, gaining muscle is harder for women because we simply don’t have the same hormones that men do. So, accept and welcome resistance training.

  • Not Knowing Your Limits

Exercising in your limits is necessary because harming yourself can put you out of the diversion for quite a long time! Make a point to set aside the opportunity to utilize appropriate posture. On the off chance that it’s a truly hard one, attempt a change of the activity.