Something Every Women Should Know, Ailments in Pregnancy

Ailments in Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful span in every woman’s life. It is initially the origin of another human life. Pregnancy is a period which goes through complete physical and hormonal changes and of emotional and psychological preparation for motherhood. Most of the women experience different ailments in pregnancy such as nausea, vomiting, back pain, frequent urination, heartburn, constipation leg cramps etc. that are spontaneously subside after delivery.

Below are given some Common Ailments in Pregnancy and Their causes:

During pregnancy, most of the women experience some common minor ailments which are mentioned in the below:

  • Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting is basic to happen in the early weeks of pregnancy. It is majorly faced during the first pregnancy. They usually appear following the first or second missed period and subside by the end of 3 months.

Cause of Nausea and Vomiting:

  1. Exact cause is unknown,
  2. Increased of Human Chronic Gonadotrophin (HCG) and estrogen.

Nausea and Vomiting

  • Constipation

It is one of the common ailments of pregnancy.

Causes of Constipation:

  1. Progesterone hormones, which relaxes smooth muscle throughout the body, including the digestive tract.
  2. Growing uterus create pressure over rectum


  • Back Ache

Back pain in pregnancy is something very common to happen. Between a half and three quarters of pregnant women have it at some stage.

Causes of Back Ache:

  1. During pregnancy some hormone allows pelvic joints and ligaments relax that cause back ache,
  2. Faulty posture,
  3. High heel shoes leading to increase in lumber Lordships,
  4. Urinary infection

Back Ache

  • Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are swollen, bulging or blue veins near the surface of the skin. It can be sore to the touch, itchy and make legs feel tired and achy.

Causes of Varicose Veins:

  1. Pregnancy is one of the biggest accelerating factors in the formation of veins. During pregnancy, gradually blood volume increases, while the rate at which blood flows from your legs to pelvis decreases. This puts pressure on the veins, which can cause varicose veins.

Varicose Veins

  • Leg cramps

Also, Leg cramps during pregnancy is a normal phenomenon to be faced. Sharp and painful lower-leg cramps often crop up during the second and third trimesters.

Causes of Leg Cramps:

  1. It usually results from muscle tension.
  2. Sometimes severe vomiting can lead to low level of calcium and potassium in blood, resulting in cramps.

Leg cramps