After few types of research, scientists have found that Sugary drinks are linked to premature deaths due to heart problems while sweet food does not harm heart to that extent although they can cause many other health problems.
Researchers believe that these sugary drinks and food are processed differently by the body and, this is the reason that they can be responsible for the distinct outcomes. Consuming approx. and at least one ounce of sweetened beverage per day is associated with increased blood pressure and the fact that is worth worrying about is that sugary drinks could raise blood pressure in teenagers which leads to many other health issues.
It is a fact undeterred that during hunger pangs people who consume sugary drinks are less likely to feel full than those who eat solid foods, even though both incorporate the same number of calories. And, that people who drink sugary beverage daily to the quantity of 24 ounces are twice as likely to die from heart disease.
There have always been researchers who revealed the association of added sugar and preservatives to both obesity and chronic disease, but despite all the researches its impact on death rates had not been made clear.
Dr. Welsh, from Emory University, said: “There were two parts of this question we wanted to understand. Do added sugars increase the risk of death from heart disease or and, if so, is there a difference in risk between sugar-sweetened beverages and sugary foods?”
The study adds and elucidates the already exists highlights the importance of minimizing sugary beverages in our diet
Consumption of sugary drinks, which have few other nutrients, results in the body being hit by a “sugar flood” which results in the various issue like obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes etc.
Such minuscule yet important details are an extremely necessary stride towards helping to tackle obesity and we hope our decisions on sugar reduction, reducing portion size promotion of low or no calorie products set an example and motivate people.